PT High Volt Technology

Alamat PT High Volt Technology
(lihat di peta)
Kelurahan Menteng Dalam, Kecamatan Tebet, Kabupaten Jakarta Selatan, Provinsi DKI Jakarta
Kode Pos
12870Tahun pendirian
2008Tentang Perusahaan
PT High Volt Technology (HVT) is a national company and domiciled in Jakarta. HVT is engaged in power sector with its main business lines in EPC, Trading, Service and EHV/HV Test of transmission and distribution equipment. HVT has accumulated a great deal of experiences in construction of EHV/HV substation infrastructure, supplying electrical equipment, providing expertise in EHV/HV and on-site testing up to 500 kV in Indonesia and overseas, for major power companies such as PLN (the National Power Company), PT Indonesia Power, and PT Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali, as well as private power producers (IPP), manufacturers, industry and some other power utility companies.
HVT has emerged as a worldwide service provider for installation, testing, commissioning and on-site EHV/HV testing with partial discharge measurement for gas insulated switchgear (GIS) up to 500 kV since 2004. Our worldwide projects have already spread in five continents, thanks to our highly qualified engineers with strong background and long experiences in EHV/HV equipment gained during working together with switchgear manufacturers in Switzerland,France, Germany, USA and Japan, in which our engineers have gained knowledge, wisdom and understanding in EHV/HV engineering. HVT has been the preference service provider to worldwide GIS manufactures for more than 17 years.
Our extensive activity and close relationship with world-class expertise enable us to bringing and representing more than top ten companies in Indonesia of which all related to EHV/HV equipment. This makes our Trading Business Unit can offer to our customers a wide range of products and services, including but not limited to EHV/HV apparatus, testing, maintenance and monitoring equipment of transmission and distribution equipment.
In line with the global trends that have been prevailing in electricity industry driven by decarbonization, electrification and digitalization, HVT has in the last three years emerged and entered renewable energy and e-mobility businesses. For this expansion of our business lines, HVT has established cooperation and partnership with some prominent European companies in PV solar, battery energy storage system, and EV charging. HVT, with our European partners, is now ready to provide services and products in solar PV systems and battery systems, as well as ready to take a greater role in the development of infrastructure required for mass implementation of battery-EV to accelerate electrification in transportation sector in Indonesia.
Lowongan kerja di PT High Volt Technology
Nama Pekerjaan | Kisaran Gaji | Tgl Dibuka |
Tender Project Administration | Tidak disebutkan | 16 Agustus 2023 - 16 September 2023 |
Sales Engineer | Tidak disebutkan | 16 Agustus 2023 - 16 September 2023 |
Finance & Accounting Staff (Account Payable) | Tidak disebutkan | 30 Agustus 2023 - 30 September 2023 |
Ukuran Perusahaan
Kategori Bidang Usaha
- Pertanian Buah-Buahan Tropis dan Subtropis
- Pertanian Buah Jeruk
- Perkebunan Buah Kelapa Sawit
- Perkebunan Karet Dan Tanaman Penghasil Getah Lainnya
- Pertanian Cemara dan Tanaman Tahunan Lainnya
- Industri Konstruksi Berat Siap Pasang Dari Baja Untuk Bangunan
- Industri Generator Uap, Bukan Ketel Pemanas
- Industri Mesin Pembangkit Listrik
- Industri Peralatan Pengontrol dan Pendistribusian Listrik
- Pembangkitan Tenaga Listrik
- Transmisi Tenaga Listrik
- Distribusi Tenaga Listrik
- Konstruksi Gedung Kesehatan
- Konstruksi Gedung Pendidikan
- Konstruksi Gedung Penginapan
- Konstruksi Gedung Tempat Hiburan dan Olahraga
- Instalasi Listrik
- Instalasi Konstruksi Lainnya Ytdl
- Perdagangan Besar Suku Cadang Elektronik
- Perdagangan Besar Peralatan Telekomunikasi
- Perdagangan Besar Mesin, Peralatan Dan Perlengkapan Lainnya
- Jasa Pengurusan Transportasi (JPT)
- Aktivitas Ekspedisi Muatan Kereta Api dan Ekspedisi Angkutan Darat (EMKA & EAD)
- Aktivitas Ekspedisi Muatan Kapal (EMKL)
- Aktivitas Ekspedisi Muatan Pesawat Udara (EMPU)
- Angkutan Multimoda
- Aktivitas Keinsinyuran dan Konsultasi Teknis YBDI
Lokasi PT High Volt Technology
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