PT Kompresindo Utamajaya

Alamat PT Kompresindo Utamajaya
Kabupaten Jakarta Selatan, Provinsi DKI Jakarta
Tahun pendirian
2002Tentang Perusahaan
Established in 1994, PT. Kompresindo Utamajaya always provides the best innovative solution, offering the latest technology and high quality product range from high reputable brands from Germany, USA, Italia, Australia, and others, that suited to the market demand with convenient value.
The Product range are Air Compressor and Gas Compressor, Compressed Air Treatment, Oxygen(O2) Generator System and Nitrogen(N2) Generator System, installation, etc. that offered individual or package solution.
With organization's motto of ‘Dynamic, Innovative Team Work', Kompresindo guarantees to provide the best customer's satisfaction.
With track record of more than 20 years in experience KUJ is a leading trading Company that operates and specialized in highest quality of compressed air and gas solution. Through many years, we develop and expand the business with many successful project with diversified customer market. We offer offer the latest technology and high quality product range from high reputable brands from Germany, USA, Italy, Australia and Switzerland that suited to the market demand with convenient value. The Product range are Air Compressor and Gas Compressor, Compressed Air Treatment, Oxygen(O2) Generator System and Nitrogen(N2) Generator System, installation and many more that offered individual or package solution. Our motto of ‘Dynamic, Innovative Team Work', We guarantees to provide the best customer's satisfaction. Currently there are three major revenue stream from three difference department which is Unit Sales Department include KOMGAS, Aftersales service and spare part Department and Rental Department.
Instagram : @kompresindo (
Website :
Lowongan kerja di PT Kompresindo Utamajaya
Nama Pekerjaan | Kisaran Gaji | Tgl Dibuka |
BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT RENTAL | Tidak disebutkan | 29 Desember 2022 - 18 Januari 2023 |
Business Development Manager | Tidak disebutkan | 19 Desember 2022 - 18 Januari 2023 |
Ukuran Perusahaan
Kategori Bidang Usaha
- Industri Peralatan Tenaga Zat Cair dan Gas
- Instalasi/Pemasangan Mesin dan Peralatan Industri
- Perdagangan Besar Alat Transportasi Darat (Bukan Mobil, Sepeda Motor, Dan Sejenisnya), Suku Cadang Dan Perlengkapannya
- Perdagangan Besar Mesin, Peralatan Dan Perlengkapan Lainnya
- Perdagangan Besar Bahan Bakar Padat, Cair Dan Gas Dan Produk YBDI
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