PT Antex Jaya Exim

Alamat PT Antex Jaya Exim
Kelurahan Tegalrejo, Kecamatan Argomulyo, Kota Salatiga, Provinsi Jawa Tengah
Kode Pos
50733Tahun pendirian
2014Tentang Perusahaan
PT. ANTEX JAYA EXIM, began in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia in 1998. Armed with nineteen years of experience, we become one of leading exporters of teak garden furniture with wide services and products. As our motto “the world's in our hand“, our company has grown into a world-class furniture manufacturing company with a global range. Now, we export a vast range of products, especially teak outdoor furniture, and send dozens of containers shipping capacity per month. PT. Antex Jaya Exim aims to become the world's number one furniture company by competing effectively in the global market.
Serving global market in high competition, we realize that price and quality are the most important points. Thus, at our company you will get both competitive price and qualified products. Based in teak outdoor furniture business for years, we assure you that only high quality of raw material is processed for our products. Only mature teak trees are harvested, which is controlled by legal authorized party. So, you will get good quality of wood as the older the trees, the better quality it has. Same practice – using the best raw material – is also done for other production such as PE rattan, aluminums, textile, etc. Supported with timely arranged production process of finest raw materials, our company provides both good quality and on-time delivery.
Serving global market in high competition, we realize that price and quality are the most important points. Thus, at our company you will get both competitive price and qualified products. Based in teak outdoor furniture business for years, we assure you that only high quality of raw material is processed for our products. Only mature teak trees are harvested, which is controlled by legal authorized party. So, you will get good quality of wood as the older the trees, the better quality it has. Same practice – using the best raw material – is also done for other production such as PE rattan, aluminums, textile, etc. Supported with timely arranged production process of finest raw materials, our company provides both good quality and on-time delivery.
Kategori Bidang Usaha
- Industri Barang Bangunan Dari Kayu
- Industri Barang Anyaman Dari Rotan Dan Bambu
- Industri Kerajinan Ukiran Dari Kayu Bukan Mebeller
- Industri Alat Dapur Dari Kayu, Rotan Dan Bambu
- Industri Kayu Bakar dan Pelet Kayu
- Industri Barang Plastik Lainnya Ytdl
- Industri Barang Dari Semen, Kapur, Gips dan Asbes Lainnya
- Industri Peralatan Umum
- Industri Barang Logam Lainnya YTDL
- Industri Furnitur Dari Kayu
- Industri Furnitur Dari Logam
- Perdagangan Besar Atas Dasar Balas Jasa (Fee) Atau Kontrak
- Perdagangan Besar Bahan Makanan Dan Minuman Hasil Pertanian Lainnya
- Perdagangan Besar Gula, Coklat Dan Kembang Gula
- Perdagangan Besar Alas Kaki
- Perdagangan Besar Mesin, Peralatan Dan Perlengkapan Pertanian
- Perdagangan Besar Mesin, Peralatan Dan Perlengkapan Lainnya
- Perdagangan Besar Bahan Bakar Padat, Cair Dan Gas Dan Produk YBDI
- Perdagangan Besar Logam Dan Bijih Logam
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