PT Lung Cheong Brothers Industrial

Alamat PT Lung Cheong Brothers Industrial
(lihat di peta)
Kelurahan Sntul, Kecamatan Kragilan, Kabupaten Serang, Provinsi Banten
Tahun pendirian
1993Tentang Perusahaan
PT. Lung Cheong Brothers Industrial is one of the leading Plastic Toys manufacturing company, which operates as a subsidiary of Lung Cheong International Holdings Limited. Our group Headquarter is located in Hongkong. Our Indonesian factory is located in Serang, Banten Province. We currently have more than 2000 employees. Our business is rapidly expanding throughout years, and we are giving you an opportunity to become one of ours.
Gaji PT Lung Cheong Brothers Industrial
Menjawab pertanyaan berapa gaji di PT Lung Cheong Brothers Industrial berdasarkan data lowongan pekerjaan dari beberapa bulan terakhir, kisaran gaji rata-rata PT Lung Cheong Brothers Industrial adalah sebesar Rp. 7.100.000
Lowongan kerja di PT Lung Cheong Brothers Industrial
Nama Pekerjaan | Kisaran Gaji | Tgl Dibuka |
Supervisor Produksi | Rp. 6.000.000 - Rp. 8.000.000 | 19 Januari 2023 - 19 Februari 2023 |
Manager Sales & Business Development | Tidak disebutkan | 08 Februari 2023 - 11 Maret 2023 |
Translator Mandarin | Rp. 6.000.000 - Rp. 8.400.000 | 02 Maret 2023 - 02 April 2023 |
Manager Injection / Produksi | Tidak disebutkan | 03 Maret 2023 - 03 April 2023 |
Ukuran Perusahaan
2001 - 5000 pekerja
Lokasi PT Lung Cheong Brothers Industrial
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