PT Manajemen Konstruksi Utama

Alamat PT Manajemen Konstruksi Utama
Ruko Rungkut Makmur Blok C - 33, Raya Kalirungkut No. 27
(lihat di peta)
Kelurahan Kalirungkut, Kecamatan Rungkut, Kota Surabaya, Provinsi Jawa Timur
Kode Pos
60293Tahun pendirian
2016Tentang Perusahaan
Manajemen Konstruksi Utama has its origin with its principals in Indonesia dating back more than 16 years. it has substantial technical and back up resources of maintaining the highest level of professional standards in all aspects of its work.
From the starts. it is our mission in Manajemen Konstruksi Utama to provide services of the highest professional standards and to perfom these service to the benefit of our clients. To this end, we will meet or exceed all stated requirement of every endeavour in which we are involved, with respect to time cost, quality and safe components. The successful project, satisfied client, and relationship maintained with design professional are our best advertisment, our best sales efforts
Manajemen Konstruksi Utama need candidate young, and full experience. fresh graduate are welcome to applies, Join Us :
From the starts. it is our mission in Manajemen Konstruksi Utama to provide services of the highest professional standards and to perfom these service to the benefit of our clients. To this end, we will meet or exceed all stated requirement of every endeavour in which we are involved, with respect to time cost, quality and safe components. The successful project, satisfied client, and relationship maintained with design professional are our best advertisment, our best sales efforts
Manajemen Konstruksi Utama need candidate young, and full experience. fresh graduate are welcome to applies, Join Us :
Ukuran Perusahaan
51 - 200 pekerja
Kategori Bidang Usaha
- Konstruksi Gedung Perkantoran
- Konstruksi Gedung Industri
- Konstruksi Gedung Perbelanjaan
- Konstruksi Gedung Kesehatan
- Konstruksi Gedung Pendidikan
- Konstruksi Gedung Penginapan
- Konstruksi Gedung Tempat Hiburan dan Olahraga
- Konstruksi Gedung Lainnya
- Konstruksi Terowongan
- Konstruksi Sentral Telekomunikasi
- Pembuatan/Pengeboran Sumur Air Tanah
- Konstruksi Bangunan Prasarana Sumber Daya Air
- Konstruksi Bangunan Pelabuhan Bukan Perikanan
- Konstruksi Bangunan Pelabuhan Perikanan
- Konstruksi Bangunan Sipil Lainnya Ytdl
- Pembongkaran
- Penyiapan Lahan
- Instalasi Listrik
- Instalasi Telekomunikasi
- Instalasi Elektronika
- Instalasi Sinyal Dan Rambu-rambu Jalan Raya
- Instalasi Saluran Air (Plambing)
- Instalasi Pemanas Dan Geotermal
- Instalasi Pendingin Dan Ventilasi Udara
- Instalasi Mekanikal
- Pengerjaan Pemasangan Kaca Dan Alumunium
- Pengerjaan Lantai, Dinding, Peralatan Saniter Dan Plafon
- Pengecatan
- Dekorasi Interior
- Dekorasi Eksterior
- Penyelesaian Konstruksi Bangunan Lainnya
- Pemasangan Pondasi Dan Tiang Pancang
- Pemasangan Perancah (Steiger)
- Pemasangan Kerangka Baja
- Aktivitas Keinsinyuran dan Konsultasi Teknis YBDI
Lokasi PT Manajemen Konstruksi Utama
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