PT Eyelovin Cantika Indonesia

Alamat PT Eyelovin Cantika Indonesia
Jl. Kasuari Raya Blok HB 2 No. 19A, Bintaro Jaya sektor IX
Kelurahan Pondok Pucung, Kecamatan Pondok Aren, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Provinsi Banten
Kode Pos
15229Tahun pendirian
2018Tentang Perusahaan
Eyelovin known as the ï¬rst market place for contact lenses.Eyelovin is a curated contact lens, eyewear, health & beautywebstore. Eyelovin also sell the complementary products forcontactlenses; such as solution water, travel kit, etc. Eyelovinmain sales arethrough website named
Founded in August 2009. We startedby selling 1 brand, known as GeoMedical. In 2009 Eyelovin was knownas “Chesire Shop†with media salesthrough Facebook. In 2010 it changedit's name to “Geo Softlens Roomâ€while expanding it's promotionalmedia through Twitter and BlackberryMessenger (BBM). On August 2014changed to Eyelovin and has had anofï¬cial website until this day.
Why Eyelovin? Our previous names Geo Softlens room isassociated to 1 brand lens, while the Eyelovin Brand is intendedto be a leading market place for contact lenses. We startedseeing the opportunity of not selling just 1 brand lens butexpanded to other brands such as EOS, Kitty Kawaii, Dreamcolorand many more. In addition to contact lenses, Eyelovin alsobegan to provide multipurpose solution water, contact lensdrops, travel accessories for contact lens, and glasses frames
Started with 1 employee incharge of packing goods,we are happy our team have grown to more than 15 divided into a few divisions including HRGA, Operational, Marketing & Finance.
Eyelovin started in a humble 2x2 room in the founder's garage. Now Eyelovin build own Building in Jakarta Barat with 2 stories Office and largest warehouse
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